Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Enrollment System Essays

Enrollment System Essays Enrollment System Essay Enrollment System Essay In schools nowadays the enrolment period is always the toughest time that an institute or academy may face through out the year, regardless of the process of their enrolment. ainly for those schools that thrive only on a manual process of enrolment, proceeds may take time and add to that if the institute is well known though still relying in manual processes queues may form along the way, due to some of these circumstances it seems to be hard to handle such collection of records namely storing, finding, sorting, updating and securing each of those records, particularly if stored only in one room and in a limited space, perhaps on a public school. Although it seems simple enough to manage the task at hand it may be easier said than done if experienced beforehand, its like being a librarian in a huge public library, assuming there are no assistants yet, it is but the librarians job to secure, sort, find and update his/her records be it the clients or the records of the books being ordered and taken out. Imagine having those many records on top of each other in one place though organized it is hard to keep track of such records without forgetting who ordered which book without an automated system, given the right scenario what if the institute itself had an accident like a fire outbreak or a flood those hard copy documents may be damaged or worst destroyed. Such records are kept for reference and other purposes. Informatics International College, a computer school which offers computer courses, uses an automated enrolment system that stores the student’s information, subjects and payments. Though parallel it may seem the process is quite smooth where as the students would fill in forms with required information’s and subject’s to be enrolled and proceed to the advisement section where they would be advised for which subjects they may take or know if the subjects are available, after that they would proceed to the cashier nd pay for the total amount due of their matriculation and the sum of their fees, and issue to them the students their receipts and registration form. Christian Light Academy a pre-elementary school that was under the influence of Baptism Theological College started late 1993 in a Subdivision called Tenement in Taguig City, was then known as Little Lights, until this late 1997 they opened their school to accept partial elementary students, grades 1-5. In the next year 1998 the school was renamed as Christian Light Academy where as they became a stand alone school, after two years, year 2000, after becoming a stand alone school they offered to accept grade 6 students up to the present day. while the school was gaining popularity in spite that their enrolment system was done manually and payments were calculated manually there were instances that the payments were a-bit inaccurate and they found out that there were times that they would make duplicate of files and make over issuance of billing statements to their students leading to parental complaints. The process of their enrolment system was fast the process was the parents would fill out a form along with the schools terms and agreements, submit it to the registrar and make payment according to their agreed method of payment, yet in the long run the files were stacked with each other although it was filed and complete, they are still human and forget older records. fter a few years, year 2007 came the day that the owners friend suggested an idea to get an automated system, yet the owner would have got one but the school lacked the necessary budget to buy one, although the schools reputation money in their area was hard to get by, so they insisted on continuing with their outdated system. Then year 2010 came where an answer to their prayers knocked at their door, a concerned citizen in their vicinity named Mimi Campos a parent of one of the schools students offers to help the school, making them the subject of their thesis at the same time helping the school improve their system of enrolment. . Statement of the Problem The school uses a manual system of enrolment in the past seventeen years. From the beginning their system was reliable and accurate, until the long run where a few years later they would end up duplicating files, make over issuance of billing statements. Though it was filed neatly and organized well, through time the records compile at each other making it difficult to filter out what records to retrieve, adding to that the security of the records are not one hundred percent. The following problems that needs to be solved: What kind of system is to be implemented to avoid the repetition of issuance of billing statements and receipts? The school encounters repeating issuance of billing statements to their clients, because of having duplicate records and sometimes they have a hard time monitoring each clients account. How will the record be stored without data discrepancy? The module to be developed will need to know that a record already exists under a certain clients name or account. How will the database filter out the records in terms of such report? The school encounter a hard time retrieving each record of a specific student on time, because of many records to search from. 3. Objective of the Study The general objective is to create a thesis entitled, â€Å"Automated Enrolment System† for Christian Light Academy. The following are the specific objectives of the said system: To develop a module that would implement a monitoring and recordin g application in order to avoid the problems that they may encounter. The module will record and keep on check the changes in its database to avoid scenario related problems. To develop a module that prompts the user that there is an occurring discrepancy in data inputted in the database. -The module will prompt the user that there is an identical record in the database. To develop a module that would include a function that will filter out the records in terms of such report. The module will search for the records that will be typed in the search box and will be able to print out reports, registration forms and billing statements. 1. 4 Significance of the Study This study would help the school during registration period without consuming a lot of time when inputting student records and making their work rapid and troublesome. The following would benefit from the said system: Administrator – the administrator will be able to access the full system and will have the privile ge of adding users to the system. Registrar – it will be easy for them to record during enrollment and can be done in a short time period. Future Researchers – the future researchers will benefit from this study by making it as a guide to help them. Students – the students will get an immediate output or Certificate of Registration from the registrar. 1. 5Scope and Limitation The scope of this research is the implementation of an automated enrolment system on Christian Light Academy, wherein it explains the coverage of our study in implementing one. Scope The scope of this study is only the implementation of the enrolment system to the school where as it only covers the enrolment process undergoing inside the school, first the registration/enrolment where the registrar will input the students information in the system from the form that the students would fill in, billing where clients receive their bill and payments where clients would pay and are recorded along with the issue of their receipt, there will be times that parallel procedures may occur, but for assurance and security purposes only. Limitations The limitation of the study is all about the manual enrolment methods of the school also the improvement of their current system with a rather simplified or non-tedious one, the schools enrolment process or methods that are only covered here are the registration/enrolment of the student, billing and payment along with the issuance of the receipt. However, it would focus only on the module of adding records, search engine, transactions, updating, and even computations of student’s payment. 1. Definition of Terms Here are definitions of the words that the researchers used to describe our system application, it is essential so that our documentation is clearly understood, for the reason that there might be words that are complex to understand and words to be confused with others meanings, to avoid those circumstances we provide you with this Definition of terms. Operational Terms Operational terms are the terms used on the ones using the system. Teacher somebody who teaches, especially as a profession Clients –the individuals that goes to institutes or the one seeking for the services offered by the institute. Students – the ones that are enrolled to an institution, and learn. Administrator the administrative work involved in running a business or organization. Management the body of those in positions of admin authority. Technical Terms Are the terms that the researchers used so that readers may understand clearly what they are reading and also not to get lost while reading the subject matter. Automated to convert a process or workplace to automation, or utilize the techniques of automation. Database a systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so that it can be automatically retrieved or manipulated. Filter – to sort out, retrieve a certain object in a group without disturbing the flow of things. Information the meaning of data, as is intended to be interpreted by people. Password a secret word known only by a restricted group or person. Record a body of information or statistics, gathered over a period of time. Security protection of a computer system and its data from loss. System a collection of component elements that work together to perform task. Tedious boring because of being long, monotonous, or repetitive Chapter 2 Review of Related Study 2. 1Theoretical Framework The theory and development for an automated enrolment system was feasible to create because when technology thrived and a few suitable applications were made it became possible to develop the said system. Throughout the research, the researchers have discovered similar system functionality such as the inventory system which could monitor the quantity and keep the items in check [ quantumx. com/sales-inventory. htm], a security system that prompts the user a password before entering a certain application, [can be implemented by using visual basic programs] and a payroll system that computes the monthly earnings of each employee which is stored in a database [ payroll. ph] With these functions existing together in one application, creating the system mentioned was made feasible. As time changes, technology also does. Computer schools are established and companies arise, with growing popularity. Schools have tough times in recording and keeping their records up to date especially when the institute is popular and in the time of enrollment, keeping such records up to date and storing those files give such effort, mostly on public institutes, where the staff are few and much more manual labor is needed to comply with the needs of the situation. Through these circumstances, it lead some programmers and I. T. groups to theorize of an automated or computerized enrollment system, in which the clients could enter the information required to the system, and store it to the database where the records are kept secured by a master password, its main purpose was to help lessen the labor it needed to complete the task at the same time speeding things up in the process. 2. 2Conceptual Framework Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

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